Thursday, September 9, 2010


I'm worried.

I'm worried about myself and I'm worried about the world.

But at the same time... extraordinarily curious.

You see, I read an article in the newspaper the other day that listed ten inappropriate twitter moments. And I didn't laugh... in fact, I didn't actually think they were inappropriate.

Let me explain.

The article spoke about a guy who tweeted mid-wedding ceremony, 'Just about to kiss my bride. Wedding going well.'

A year ago I would've thought this outrageous. But in 2010, I actually just find it in interesting and surprisingly, un-inappropriate. I don't think it's appropriate, but I don't think it's inappropriate. If someone wants to tweet during their wedding then I think:

a) It's up to them.
b) It's actually quite interesting to read...

Funerals, weddings, hospital visits... they are no longer tweet taboo. It's actually appropriate and reasonable in 2010 to announce to the world that you are having an operation, or are heading to the hospital. It's reasonable to announce, 'Am at x funeral and it is very sad.'

But just to make it perfectly clear... I don't own a twitter or facebook account. The time they consume is unbelievable and they can be dangerous.

But they're here to stay.

At least for the next short period of time...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Someone famous is reading my book...

Sure. It's been a while since I've blogged. But every now and then I get excited about the world of web logging and get a few seconds to muck around on the net. And so today I decided to share my good news with my thousands of loyal readers.

Someone famous is reading my book.

Well he's not famous famous. But he is well-known. Particularly in Australia.

His name is Mark McCrindle and he is a social analyst, or futurist. He runs McCrindl research which is a company that researches social trends and specialises on Generational research. It was because of his online research ( that got me thinking about generations in the first place.

[Note: If you are reading my blog for the first time (welcome and where have you been?), you'll need to know that the book that I've written is about bridging the Generation gap, and in particular trying to figure out how to engage the current generation of teenagers long enough that we might jam the gospel down their throats.]

I went to a conference (compulsory professional developement - don't call me nerd), and he was the keynote speaker. I met him and he told me that he knew I had been writing some stuff. I picked my chin up off the floor and asked if he'd like to read it. He said yes. I said great. He gave me a copy of his book, 'The ABC or XYZ' (catchy huh.)

And so he now has a copy of my book on his bedside table.

And hopefully he's reading it.

And hopefully he doesn't think that it's rubbish.

And even if he does, at least I can say that someone famous-ish, has read my book.

Peace out.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Blogging Experiment

So I blogged and it wasn't that interesting right.

Only a few people read my blog and I got pretty bored and of course, life just go busier so I haven't written on my blog for ages.

Then I thought I'd try an experiment. When you are on a blogspot blog, up the top somewhere on the screen there is a little button that says NEXT BLOG. Once you have finished reading/writing your own blog, if you hit that button then blogspot moves you to a random blog.

I've just spend the last hour reading a whole heap of random blogs and commenting on them. I thought to myself, 'I love it when someone comments on my blog, imagine how these people are going to feel if I comment on theirs.' You know what I mean?

So I read a blog about custard cream puffs, a garden that was hit by a hail storm in Melbourne, a weird Kabbalah practicing dude who wrote about candles and heaps of others. After my comment, I left my blog address; this one.

So now...

... I wait. And see whether anyone will reply. It would be kinda fun if they did.

But just to make this blog post a little bit more interesting here are my top ten things that I just can't stand:

Top Ten Things that I can't Stand

1. Traffic

2. Reality television show contestants who cry so that they will get selected.

3. Clothes that wear out really quickly.

4. ... when I can't sleep at night.

5. Kids who say 'epic' too much.

6. The tellytubbies and any other kids show where they don't use real words.

7. Facebraggers - these are people who are constantly bragging on their facebook status 'Name is... so happy because I just bought a new plasma tv and my 2 month old son is quoting Shakespeare etc.'

8. Shaving. Why can't facial hair be smooth and silky and attractive?

9. Spelling and grammar.

10. The fact that you can hardly find Vanilla Coke anywhere these days...