I've always wondered what it would've been like to sit and listen to the Apostle Paul. I feel like I may have experienced this to a degree while attending the Brisbane Convention Centre - Queensland Theological College presents John Piper. What an amazing, challenging message.
And because I took some frantic notes, and because I don't want to EVER forget the message - here are my notes.
When tragedy occurs, (September 11, Tsunami, Earthquake, etc), we as humans are always astonished at the sadness and loss of life. The thing is, our astonishment should be reversed. God created us and until we learn to be astonished at the fact that we are still... alive, we will never fully grasp the gospel. The only reason we can do what we do, is because we are still breathing, and for this, we should be astonished. We are unworthy of life. Be astonished that we are alive!
Life hangs by a thread of grace. We have no control over our pulse. God wants us to feel dependent on his grace because God owns you! (BTW everybody on earth 'knows' deep down inside that we are far more than just biological chemicals...)
We are often so arrogant that we say things like 'I'm going to Sydney tomorrow, where really we should be thinking, 'If God keeps me alive, and if he wills it, I'm going to Sydney tomorrow.'
Arrogance = I can control my life.
He gave you life. He can take it. So...don't throw your life away. No one cares about your bank balance when you're on your death bed.
'Only one life 'twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last.'
I want my songs to be saved... and to not waste their lives.
One day, when we meet Jesus, scarred hands and all... will we look him in the eyes and say, 'Look Lord, see my shells.' Foolishness. Our country spends millions of dollars enticing seniors to enjoy their retirement by playing bingo and collecting shells. Of what worth is this? None.
What is an un-wasted life?
Joyfully exclaim the supreme value of Christ. Display his worth.
It's a good deal. Give him the glory. We get satisfaction.
We need to magnify God like a telescope. Take something that is big and make it look more like what it is. This is an un-wasted life.
The point of living is to be a telescope. Make God (who looks so small to our fallen world) look more like what he is by magnifying him! Live as though you prefer Christ more than anything else. Use your home/car/computer/food as though you value Christ more... because you DO.
To die is gain. It is far better to be with Christ than to even be with your wife. On your death bed, we should be excited to gain, gain, gain, gain...
Don't waste your life. Live for Christ.
Three thousand people had their gospel and theological understanding cemented... their eyes opened and their butts kicked.
Don Carson next year. I'm there!