So it appears that although each blogger is their own entity and follows their own set of rationalised blogging etiquette, there is some blogging etiquette that appears universal. However, this exact etiquette is harder to pin down than a decent Australian spin bowler; I believe it is more of a blog philosophy. A 'blogosophy' if you like.
PC Advisor lays it's blogosophy out ten-commandment-like here - says, 'Unless you have permission, it’s never OK to post someone else’s words on your own blog. '
So of course; I had to post their words here.
... and I'm sure that the fact that GOOGLE is a larger world than the one that exists between Venus and Mars, means that you could probably find a gazillion blogosophies, none of which, and yet, all of which are helpful.
So I decided to create my own blogosophy. Or perhaps, it created itself regardless of a decision on my part. Either way.
Blog, short for web log, is individualistic. This means, that you can do whatever the heck you want to do on your blog. If you are a post-modern twat, and believe in the notion that something is right as long as you believe it's right, then you can write and post whatever the heck you want on your blog and if anyone finds it offensive at least you can justify yourself to yourself...
However, if you have a set of values and morals that coincide with the general cultural idea, then you have a responsibility to make sure that 'whatever the heck' you post, coincides with this.
I think however that there's more to it than that.
Living as a Christian means being in the world, yet not of the world. Therefore blogging is a great ministry tool. People are more and more turning to internet-onal communication and being able to entice a group of followers to participate in your blog, may just be one part of the process of leading someone to Christ.
In that sense; a blogosophy becomes crucial. As I blog, and as I read, I'm sure I'll come up with aspects of my blogosophy that are different to that of Joe Normal, and when I do...
I'll be sure to let you know.
I've just got to figure out how to entice a group of followers...
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